Research Training Courses 2018

Courses marked with a green symbol ( ) has an open application form or is a seminar serie that not requires an application.

Research Tracks

1 Cancer
2 Cardiovascular diseases
3 Drug development
4 Infection
5 Inflammation
6 Metabolism
7 Muscoloskeletal system
8 Neuroscience
9 Reproduction and development
10 Lung function
11 Chemical biology
12 Global heath, e-health & migration

Compulsory courses

ForskningsetikV12, 19-23/3
Introduction to BiostatisticsWeek 4-6
Introduction to BiostatisticsWeek 40-42
Introduction to Doctoral StudiesWeb-based, can be accessed anytime
Introduction to Doctoral StudiesWeb-based, can be accessed anytime
Introduction to Scientific ResearchWeek 3+4, 9+10+11 (Jan 15-26, + Feb 26-Mar 16)
Introduction to Scientific ResearchWeek 33+34, 40+41+42 (Aug 13-24 + Oct 1-19)
Introduktion till biostatistikVecka 4-6
Introduktion till biostatistikVecka 40-42
Introduktion till vetenskaplig forskningVecka 3+4, 9+10+11 (15-26 Jan + 26 Feb-16 Mars)
Introduktion till vetenskaplig forskningVecka 33+34, 40+41+42 (13-24 Aug + 1-19 Okt)
Research Ethics and Philosophy of Science (2 credits)Week 10, March 5 to March 8
Research Ethics and Philosophy of Science (2 credits)Week 39, September 24 to September 28
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 1 Spring semester)See description
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 2 Spring semester)See description
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 3, Autumn semester)See description
Scientific PresentationWeek 48 (November 26-30)

Seminar series

IMBIM Seminar Series2 x år
Research Seminars, Department of Medical SciencesEvery Tuesday at 12.00
Rudbeck seminars 2018. Tumour Biology, Genetics and Molecular BiologyThursdays at 1 pm if not otherwise stated
SciLifeLab The Svedberg Seminar series at BMCEvery other Monday with spring semester starting January 15 at 15.15 and fall semester starting August 20. See for an updated schedule.

Other courses

3D printing and bioprinting in the life sciencesWeeks 42-50
Advanced Molecular Technology and Instrumentation for Proteome AnalysesPreliminary date: 2018-08-27 to 2018-09-07
Aktuell cellbiologisk forskning och diabetesOnsdagar 15-17 under terminen
Avancerad molekylär och instrumentell teknologi för proteomanalyserPreliminärt datum: 2019-08-27 till 2018-09-07
Biobank samples in medical researchWeek 42, 15-19 October
Current Cell Biology and DiabetesWednesdays 15.00-17.00 during semester
Essential Clincial Epidemiology10-13 september 2018
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Amfibier: groda och vattensalamander (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Fisk (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Fågel (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Gnagare och hardjur (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Global Sexual and Reproductive Health: Basic Concepts and State of the Art2018-10-08 - 2018-11-09
Health Innovation - an interdisciplinary approach, 5.0 credits2017 V3-22; One afternoon per week
How to study behavior in vertebrates with focus on fish and rodents2018-01-29 – 2018-02-02
Human Cell Culture. Methods and Applications2018-05-28 - 2018-06-01
Implementation of complex interventions in healthcare, 7,5 ECTS23-26 January, 2, 7-8 February, 1 March
Innovation Game- a summer school applying serious game design in health care and education, 5.0 credits2018 V32-33
Intellectual property rights and commercialization6,13 och 20 mars, 2018
Introduction to Image Analysis and Software (IAS AUTUMN18)10-14 September, 2018
Introduction to Image Analysis Software (IAS SPRING 18)11-15 Juni 2018
Introduction to TeachingFirst meeting Sep 26th & 27th (09:00 - 16:00, absolutely mandatory); Second meeting Oct 25th (10:00-12:00 or 13-15, mandatory)
Laboratory Animal Science - Aquatic Amphibians xenopus and aquatic salamander (function A)Continous admission
Laboratory Animal Science - Birds (function A)Continous admission
Laboratory Animal Science - Rodents and lagomorphs (function A)Continous admission
Laboratory Animal Science for Researcher – Fish (function A)Continuous admission
Medical epidemiologyWeek 43; 22-26 October 2018
Methods for Cell Analysis (MCA Autumn 18)10-19 October 2018
Methods for Cell Analysis (MCA Spring 18)7-9 & 14-18 May, 2018
Methods in Metabolomics and Metabolism AnalysisApril 16th-27th 2018, Week 16 and 17
Odling av celler från människa. Metoder och tillämpningar2018-05-28 - 2018-06-01
Research in Reproduction and Development21-23, 31 May
Svensk lagstiftning & Etik, djurvälfärd och 3R Kontinuerlig antagning