Essential Clincial Epidemiology

Max antal deltagare40
Sista ansökningsdag2018-08-15
KursansvarigLiisa Byberg, Karl Michaëlsson
InstitutionInstitutionen för kirurgiska vetenskaper
BesöksadressEpihubben, MTC-huset
Postadress751 85 Uppsala
Datum10-13 september 2018
Kurslängd4 hela dagar



This 4-day course will give a deeper knowledge in clinical epidemiology. Where epidemiology general deals with aspects of study design of observational studies in general, clinical epidemiology relates to those aspects in epidemiology related to patients and clinical care in terms of prevention, clinical impact, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

The course is aimed at PhD students, post docs and researchers in the clinical medical field with basic knowledge in epidemiology. Maximum number of participants: 40. PhD students from Uppsala University will be given priority.


The course will give the student the necessary tools for planning, performing and writing up results from clinical studies, including measures of association, clinical impact, and health and disease (diagnosis); prognosis studies; risk prediction; principles of screening and screening studies; and principles of prevention. These tools are also most relevant for critically reading and interpreting results from such studies.


The course starts with a brief repetition of important features of clinical trials. Lectures will cover each topic. In workshops, students will work in groups discussing different aspects of published papers. The teacher, Professor John Baron, has long experience from clinical epidemiology and randomized controlled trials that is rarely found in Sweden. With an interactive approach, students will have the opportunity to influence the topics covered, within the framework of the learning outcomes.


The course will be given in English. The course merits 1.5 higher education credits (högskolepoäng) and a certificate of attendance will be awarded.


Active participation in workshops is required. Written examination.


Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials. Fifth edition. Fletcher RH, Fletcher SW, Fletcher GS. Wolters Kluwer, 2012.
Additional articles and material will be distributed during the course.


John A. Baron, MD, professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina, and Professor Emeritus of Medicine and of Epidemiology at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. He has long experience in both large-scale clinical trials and advanced epidemiology.


Liisa Byberg:

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