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How to study behavior in vertebrates with focus on fish and rodents
Kursnummer | 20 |
År | 2018 |
Typ | Methodcourse |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 15 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2017-12-31 |
Språk | En |
Kursansvarig | Åsa Konradsson Geuken, Erika Roman |
Institution | Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences |
Besöksadress | BMC |
Postadress | |
Datum | 2018-01-29 – 2018-02-02 |
Lokal | BMC |
Kurslängd | One week |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
The course is focused on behavioral studies and gives an introduction to behavioral studies in animals, the use of laboratory animals including rodents and fish, and common and novel methodological applications.
Day 1: Introduction to ethology, how to measure and interpret behavior in animals, factors that can influence results in behavioral studies
Day 2: Fish behavior, behavioral tests in fish, zebrafish larvae and adults, other species (e.g. sticklebacks, salmonids), inter-specific differences in behavior
Day 3: Mouse genetics, behavioral testing in mice, behavior and neuroscience, considerations for genetic and optogenetic testing, methods for introducing rat as a genetic model organism
Day 4: Multivariate behavioral tests for behavioral profiling of rat, mouse and zebrafish including multivariate data analysis procedures
Day 5: Examination; a computer based examination and scientific discussions related to the student’s own projects
We welcome students from a broad background in preclinical or clinical behavioral studies with an interest in preclinical neuroscience.
Examination; a computer based examination and scientific discussions related to the student’s own projects
Associate Professor Erika Roman, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Dr. Åsa Konradsson-Geuken, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Dr. Sara Ekmark-Lewén, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences
Dr Åsa Konradsson-Geuken, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Professor Klas Kullander, Department of Neuroscience
Professor Svante Winberg, Department of Neuroscience
Invited lecturers
Uppsala University Behavioral Facility; uubf@farmbio.uu.se
Åsa Konradsson Geuken;
Erika Roman; Erika.Roman@farmbio.uu.se