Research Training Courses 2023

Courses marked with a green symbol ( ) has an open application form or is a seminar serie that not requires an application.

Research Tracks

1 Cancer
2 Cardiovascular diseases
3 Drug development
4 Infection
5 Inflammation
6 Metabolism
7 Muscoloskeletal system
8 Neuroscience
9 Reproduction and development
10 Lung function
11 Chemical biology
12 Global heath, e-health & migration

Compulsory courses

Communication in Science and education3,5Week 48, 49, 51 (Nov 27-Dec 5, Dec 20)
Introduction to Biostatistics3,5Week 3-6 (Jan 16 - Feb 10)
Introduction to Biostatistics3,5Week 40-42 (Oct 2 - Oct 20)
Introduction to Scientific Research10Week 33+34, 3540+41+42 (14-29 Aug + 2-20 Oct)
Introduction to Scientific Research9Week 6+7, 11, 12, 13 (Feb 6-17 + Mar 13-31)
Introduction to Teaching - Autumn 20231.5First meeting August 24th & 25th (08:10 - 15:45, absolutely mandatory); Second meeting October 16th (10:15 - 12:00, obligatory)
Introduktion till biostatistik3,5Vecka 3-6 (16 januari - 10 februari)
Introduktion till biostatistik3,5Vecka 40-42 (2 oktober - 20 oktober)
Introduktion till vetenskaplig forskning10Vecka 33+34, 40+41+42 (14-25 Aug + 2-20 Okt)
Introduktion till vetenskaplig forskning9Vecka 6+7, 11, 12, 13 (feb 6-17 + mar 13-31)
Kommunikation inom vetenskap och utbildning 3,5Vecka 48, 49, 51 (Nov 27-Dec 5, Dec 20)
Research Ethics and Philosophy of Science (3 credits)3Week 10
Research Ethics and Philosophy of Science (3 credits)3Week 39
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 1 Spring semester)2See description
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 2 Spring semester)2See description
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 3, Autumn semester)2See description

Seminar series

Applied research methods in General Practice2,5September 2023 - June 20242679
Diabetes Plus - en tvärvetenskaplig seminarieserie inom Uppsala Diabetescentrum1Tredje torsdagen i varje månad
IMBIM Seminar Series1Weekly, exact dates on www.imbim.uu.se1456
IMV's tisdagsseminarier3Tisdagar under terminerna
Rudbeck seminars 2023. Tumour Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology1,5Thursdays at 3 pm if not otherwise stated
SciLifeLab The Svedberg Seminar series at BMCEvery other Monday during each semester
Seminars in medical epidemiologyEvery second week
Tillämpad forskningsmetodik inom allmänmedicin 2,5September 2023 - Juni 20242679

Other courses

3D printing and bioprinting in the life sciences (5 credits)5Oct 09 to Dec 17, 2023
Advanced cancer biology (3hp)330 may to June 3rd1
Advanced Medicinal Chemistry52023-11-06 - 2024-02-093
Advanced Molecular Imaging Training Course (PET, MR, SPECT,and CT)4Wk15 (11-12); Wk16 (17-18); Wk17 (24-25); Wk18 (02); Wk19 (08-09); Wk20 (15-16): Wk21 (22-23) (Home exam);Wk22 (29)12345678
Avancerad läkemedelskemi52023-11-06 - 2024-02-093
Biobanksprov i medicinsk forskning1,5Vecka 47 (20-24 nov)
Clinical Epidemiology (1.5 hp)1.511-15th September 2023
Co-Design of Digital Health Innovations7.52023-06-05 - 2023-08-13
Comparative Reproductive Endocrinology1.5June 12-16 9
Data visualization for life science1.5Nov 27th, 28th, 29th; Dec 4th, 5th123456789
Distansutbildning i Kärlkirurgi i Uppsala.122
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Amfibier: groda och vattensalamander (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Fisk (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Fågel (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Gnagare och hardjur (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Gris (funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Provfiske (Funktion A)Kontinuerlig antagning
Försöksdjursvetenskap - Svensk lagstiftning & Etik, djurvälfärd och 3R Kontinuerlig antagning
Health Innovation - an interdisciplinary approach7.52023-08-31 - 2024-01-14, One evening per week
How to study behavior in vertebrates with focus on fish and rodents (hybrid course)1,5Week 5 (January 30th to February 3rd 2023)8
Human cell culture - methods and applications1,5May 8 - 12 2023
Human cell culture - methods and applications1,5TBD. May-June
Innovation Game: A Summer School Applying Serious Game Design in Health Care and Education52023-07-31 - 2023-08-18 (on campus 2023-08-07 - 2023-08-18)
Intellectual property in research: strategies and practices323/3, 30/3, 6/4, 20/4
Intellectual property in research: strategies and practices323/3, 30/3, 6/4, 20/4
Intellectual property in research: strategies and practices323/3, 30/3, 6/4, 20/4
Introduction to Diabetes Research211-15/9 2023256
Introduction to Epidemiology 1.5Week 21 (22th-28th May 2023)
Introduction to Image Analysis Software (IAS) 2023 June1.5June: 1-2, June: 7-9
Introduction to Image Analysis Software September 20231.5September: 25-26, September28-29;October 2
Introduction to Teaching - Spring 20231.5First meeting April 12th & 13th (09:00 - 16:00, absolutely mandatory); Second meeting May 9th or 1oth (10 - 12 or 13-15 depending on group size, mandatory)
Introduktion till Diabetesforskning211-15/9 2023256
Kvalitativa forskningsmetoder – grundläggande inriktningar 7,5Vecka 6-16: 7/2-10.15-16.00, 8/2-10.15-15.00, 28/2-10.15-15.00, 1/3-10.15-15.00, 22/3-10.15-16.30, 23/3-10.15-15.00, 17/4-10.00-17.00, 18/4-9.00-16.30
Laboratory Animal Science - Aquatic Amphibians xenopus and aquatic salamander (function A)Continous admission
Laboratory Animal Science - Birds (function A)Continous admission
Laboratory Animal Science - Pig (function A)Continous admission
Laboratory Animal Science - Rodents and lagomorphs (function A)Continous admission
Laboratory Animal Science - Survey Fishing Techniques (Function A)Continous Admission
Laboratory Animal Science - Swedish legislation & Ethics, animal welfare and 3R e, (web-based)Continuous admission
Laboratory Animal Science for Researcher – Fish (function A)Continuous admission
Medical epidemiology1,5Week 43; 23-27 October 2023
Methods for Cell Analysis (MCA Autumn 2023)3,54-12 October 2023
Methods for Cell Analysis (MCA Spring 2023)3,53-11 May 2023
Migration and Health - Conducting research with migrant populations4.5Weeks 37-39
Odling av celler från människa - metoder och tillämpningar1,58-12 maj 2023
Odling av celler från människa - metoder och tillämpningar1,5Datum kommer. Maj till juni
Patient and public involvement in research7,5Seminars: 6th December 13-17, 7th December 13-17, 13th December 13-17, 14th December 13-17, 18th December 13-17, Exam 10th January 2024 (all day)9
Qualitative Research Methodology – basic alignments7,5Week 6-16: 7/2-10.15-16.00, 8/2-10.15-15.00, 28/2-10.15-15.00, 1/3-10.15-15.00, 22/3-10.15-16.30, 23/3-10.15-15.00, 17/4-10.00-17.00, 18/4-9.00-16.30
Science Communication and Outreach27, 8 and 9 June 2023
Uppsala Distance Course in Vascular Surgery122
Writing and Reviewing in Biomedical and Life Science Engineering1,5 (3)Continuous - email registration123456789