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Science Communication and Outreach, 2 hp

Max antal deltagare50
Sista ansökningsdag2023-05-12
KursansvarigEva Garmendia & Hugo Gutierrez de Terán
InstitutionIMBIM & ICM
Datum7, 8 and 9 June 2023
LokalTriple Room, Navet, BMC
Kurslängd3 days



The ultimate goal of scientific advances is to have an impact in society. In this respect, communication of new scientific methods and results, and the popular outreach of science are of extreme importance to fill the gap between research and broad social environments. There are different sectors of society and consequently many ways that science can be brought to the public in effective ways: i.e. from spreading the news of scientific discoveries to stimulating kids into this fascinating world. In this workshop, we gather together experts in different areas of science communication and outreach to share their knowledge and experience with a broad audience, with the aim that attendees will be inspired to find their ways to contribute to scientific dissemination.


• Understand how Science Communication fits in the role of the university researcher
• Learn about possible alternative careers within science communication and outreach
• Explore new communication methods and skills


The following topics will be covered:

1. Oral presentation of science.
2. The connection between Science and policy
3. Visualization of science in effective ways
4. Use of social media for scientific outreach
5. The connection between science and the citizen
6. The work of the freelance science communicator
7. The pedagogics of science
8. Wikipedia as an outreach tool
9. Creation of scientific podcast
10. Integration of different learning environments


For this event, the course will be divided as follows (estimated 50 participants):
• The course is open to up to 50 attendees maximums
• Lectures for three days in the Triple room and workshops in smaller groups.
• Practical sessions following some of the lectures.
• Preparation for several lectures with work before the course starts, evaluated by handling of the assignments on time.


Attendance to the lectures on site and participation in the assignments (reparation for several lectures with work before the course starts, evaluated by handling of the assignments on time).


Specific relevant literature will be shared during the course.


German Orizaola, Eva Garmendia, Bradby Caldwell, Ben Libberton, Andreas Dahlin, Adeline Marcos Talva, Rhiannon Sanders, Olle Terenius, Gustav Bohlin, Susana de Lucas.


Eva Garmendia (eva.garmendia@uac.uu.se) and Hugo Gutiérrez de Terán (hugo.gutierrez@icm.uu.se)

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