Kurser på forskarnivå 2015

Kurser markerade med en grön symbol ( ) har en öppen anmälan eller är en seminariekurs som inte kräver någon anmälan.


1 Cancer
2 Hjärta - kärl
3 Läkemedelsutveckling
4 Infektion
5 Inflammation
6 Metabolism
7 Skelett - rörelseapparaten
8 Neurovetenskap
9 Reproduktion och utveckling
10 Lungfunktion
11 Kemisk biologi
12 Global hälsa, e-hälsa & migration

Obligatoriska kurser

Försöksdjursvetenskap för utförande av djurförsök - smågnagare och hardjurKontinuerlig antagning
Introduction to BiostatisticsWeek 40-42
Introduction to BiostatisticsWeek 5-7
Introduction to Doctoral StudiesWeb-based, can be accessed anytime
Introduction to Image Analysis Software (IIAS)Week 48 (Tuesday-Friday)
Introduction to Scientific ResearchWeek 3+4, 9+10+11 (Jan 12-23, + Feb 23-Mar 13)
Introduction to Scientific ResearchWeek 33+34, 37+38+39 (Aug 10-21 + Sept 7-25)
Introduktion till biostatistikVecka 40-42
Introduktion till biostatistikVecka 5-7
Introduktion till vetenskaplig forskningVecka 3+4, 9+10+11 (12-23 jan + 23 Feb-13 Mars)
Introduktion till vetenskaplig forskningVecka 33+34, 37+38+39 (10-21 Aug + 7-25 Sept)
Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers - Rodents and LagomorphsContinuous admission
Research Ethics and Philosophy of ScienceWeek 37, Monday to Thursday
Research Ethics and Philosophy of ScienceWeek 8, Monday to Thursday
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 1 Autumn semester)Se beskrivning
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 2 Autumn semester)Se beskrivning
Research Ethics for Science and Technology, 2 credit (nr 2 Spring semester)See description
Scientific PresentationWeek 48 (November 23-27)


Frontiers in Biomaterials and Regenerative MedicineThursdays at 11 am if not otherwise stated
IMBIM Seminar Series2 gg/år
Research Seminars, Department of Medical SciencesEvery Tuesday at 12.00
Rudbeck seminars 2015. Tumour Biology, Genetics and Molecular BiologyThursdays at 1 pm if not otherwise stated
SciLifeLab The Svedberg Seminar series at BMCEvery other Monday with start January 19 at 15.15. See www.scilifelab.se/education/seminars/the-svedberg/ for updated schedule

Övriga kurser

Advanced Electron Microscopy CourseWeek 7, starts 2015-02-09
Advanced Molecular Technology and Instrumentation for Proteome Analyses2015-08-31 to 2015-09-11
Advanced Qualitative Research MethodsWeek 36-39
Avancerad elektronmikroskopi Vecka 7, start 2015-02-09
Avancerade kvalitativa forskningsmetoderVecka 36-39
Avancerade molekylär och instrumentell teknologi för proteomanalyser2015-08-31 till 2015-09-11
Comparative reproductive endocrinology2015-11-16 till 2015-11-20
Human Cell Culture. Methods and Applications150601 - 150605
Implementation in Global HealthWeek 47-48
Implementation of complex interventions in healthcareWeeks 37-41, 2015
Implementering inom global hälsaVecka 47-48
In vivo molecular imaging in biomedical researchV36-v43
Introduction to Image Analysis and Software 24-27 November 2015
Jämförande reproduktionsendokrinologi2015-11-16 till 2015-11-20
Laboratory Animal Science for Researcher – Fish Continuous admission
Medical epidemiologyWeek 43; 19-23 October 2015
Medicinsk avbildning och diagnostik vid cancersjukdom9/3-13/3 2015
Methods for Cell Analysis
Methods for Cell Analysis
Methods for Cell Analysis 30 September to 9 October 2015
Molecular Histopathology2/3 - 6/3 2015
Molecular Imaging and Diagnostics of Cancer9/3-13/3 2015
Molecular Modelling and Computational Medicinal Chemistry2015-01-12 - 2015-02-10
Molekylär Histopatologi2/3 - 6/3 2015
Odling av celler från människa. Metoder och tillämpningar150601 - 150605
Personalities in animals and humans - the importance of studying individual differencesMay 24-27, 2015
Preclinical PET/MR imaging in practiceV46
Scientific Data Presentation4-8 maj 2015
Swedish Legislation, Ethics and Animal Use, (web-based)Continuous admission
Towards individualized cancer therapy (U-CAN)Oct 19th - Oct 23rd 2015
Visualisera din vetenskapV43-50