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Preclinical PET/MR imaging in practice
Kursnummer | 36 |
År | 2015 |
Typ | Methodcourse |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 4 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2015-10-30 |
Språk | En |
Kursansvarig | Olof Eriksson |
Institution | Preclinical PET Platform, Department of Medicinal Chemistry |
Besöksadress | Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14C, 3tr |
Postadress | 751 83 Uppsala |
Datum | v46 |
Lokal | Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14C, 3tr |
Kurslängd | 1 week |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
This 1 week intensive course aims to give PhD-students, post-docs, and researchers detailed theroretical and practical knowledge in performing and analysing in vivo molecular imaging studies using a new integrated preclinical PET/MR system located at the Preclinical PET Platform.
At the conclusion of the course, the attendees should have gained detailed theoretical and practical knowledge in preclinical PET/MR imaging. The attendee should be able to independently plan, perform and analyse a preclinical PET/MR imaging study.
The following areas will be adressed:
*Introduction to preclinical and clinical PET and MR
*System hardwares
*System softwares
*Anaesthesia equipment
*Practical handling of the PET/MR system
*Reconstruction, image analysis and evaluation tools (PMOD)
Requirements: Prior experience in handling radionuclide as well as radiation safety. University degree (BSc or MSc) after at least three years study (minimum 120 p or 180 ECTS credits) in the areas of life sciences (e.g. physics, radiophysics, chemistry or biology), medicine, pharmacy or nursing, or other relevant University education.
Teaching is given as lectures, practical demonstration and laborations.
Practical examination where the student will perform a preclinical imaging study and demonstrate knowledge of therory and practice of the PET/MR system at the end of the course.
Mandatory attendance at lectures, practical demonstration and laborations during the course.
Articles, handouts and manuals will be provided.
Olof Eriksson, Ramkumar Selvaraju, Sergio Estrada and Veronika Asplund.
Olof Eriksson
Preclinical PET Platform
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14C, 3tr
751 83 Uppsala