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Research Seminars, Department of Medical Sciences
Kursnummer | 9 |
År | 2015 |
Typ | Seminarseries |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 0 |
Ingen anmälan behöver göras för seminarieserier | 0000-00-00 |
Språk | Sven |
Kursansvarig | Lars Rönnblom |
Institution | Department of Medical Sciences |
Besöksadress | Akademiska sjukhuset, ing 40 |
Postadress | Akademiska sjukhuset, 751 85 Uppsala |
Datum | Every Tuesday at 12.00 |
Lokal | Department of Medical Sciences, Academic Hospital, Lecture Halls, Entrance 40, 50 or 70, see www.medsci.uu.se |
Kurslängd | 9 months |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
The seminars are on timely topics related to the research work of the groups at the Dept of Medical Sciences. The seminars are given by invited external speakers that are leading in their research fields or occasionally by a member of one of the research groups at the department. For schedule see http://www.medsci.uu.se
Internal or external scientists
Department of Medical Sciences
Birgitta Sembrant
Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 Uppsala