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In vivo molecular imaging in biomedical research
Kursnummer | 35 |
År | 2015 |
Typ | Subjectcourse |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 18 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2015-08-15 |
Språk | En |
Kursansvarig | Olof Eriksson |
Institution | Preclinical PET Platform, Department of Medicinal Chemistry |
Besöksadress | Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14C, 3tr |
Postadress | 751 83 Uppsala |
Datum | v36-v43 |
Lokal | Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14C, 3tr |
Kurslängd | 40h in total over 8 weeks |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
This course aim to give PhD-students, post-docs, and researchers knowledge and understanding of the potential applications of modern in vivo medical imaging techniques in biomedical research.
At the conclusion of the course, the attendees should have gained knowledge in the principles of Molecular Imaging and understanding of the opportunities and limitations of the in vivo imaging techniques Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in biomedical research.
The following areas will be adressed:
*Fundamentals of PET, SPECT, CT and MRI
*Radiochemistry, tracer development and quality control
*Pre-clinical methods (cell culture, homogenate binding, frozen section autoradiography, dosimetry and small animal imaging)
*In vivo imaging techniques
*Tracer kinetics, binding and modeling
*Image analysis and evaluation tools
*Clinical use of PET, SPECT and MRI
*PET in drug development
Requirements. University degree (BSc or MSc) after at least three years study (minimum 120 p or 180 ECTS credits) in the areas of life sciences (e.g. physics, radiophysics, chemistry or biology), medicine, pharmacy or nursing, or other relevant University education.
Lectures and seminars on Tuesdays and Thursdays 13:15-15:00.
Oral examination at the end of the course in the form of a seminar. Mandatory attendance/presentation of selected literature assignments at seminars during the course. 90% attendance at lectures is required to pass.
S Vallabhajosula, Molecular Imaging: Radiopharmaceuticals for PET and SPECT, Springer 2009.
Articles related to each literature seminars. Handouts.
Invited experts on specific areas.
Olof Eriksson
Preclinical PET Platform
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14C, 3tr
751 83 Uppsala