Implementation of complex interventions in healthcare
Kursnummer | 35 |
År | 2015 |
Typ | Subjectcourse |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 25 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2015-06-12 |
Språk | En |
Kursansvarig | Professor Louise von Essen |
Institution | Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University |
Besöksadress | BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala |
Postadress | Box 564, 751 22 Uppsala |
Datum | Weeks 37-41, 2015 |
Lokal | Blåsenhus, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden |
Kurslängd | 5 weeks (7,5 ECTS) |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
To provide qualified insights in practical implementation of different healthcare interventions such as new treatments and clinical guidelines and a broad overview of research on how to improve healthcare. The course is open to PhD students in different fields relevant to implementation of new knowledge in healthcare practice such as public health, medicine, and psychology.
Registered for graduate studies
If there are more applicants than places on the course, the selection is made on the date of application.
Education goals
After finishing the course the students should be able to:
• Understand and describe the development of implementation science and it’s multidisciplinary character
• Understand and describe the complexity of implementation of new knowledge in healthcare practice
• Have in depth knowledge of different theoretical perspectives, methods, and strategies with regard to implementation science and the relevance and usefulness of these in practice
• Understand and describe how implementation can be measured and how to design studies from an implementation point of view
• Explain and analyze what implementation of new knowledge in practice demands in form of strategies, resources, and actors
1. Implementation of change; introduction and concepts
2. Measuring quality of care: performance indicators
3. Characteristics of successful implementation strategies
4. Evaluation of implementation: designs and methods
5. The practice of planning and performing implementation studies
6. Implementation in practice and the role of different actors
7. Workshop on intervention mapping
Active participation at lectures and one seminar and two examination projects. Students are expected to prepare well before lectures and read articles before each lecture. Attendance at lectures is mandatory. The seminar format is live video conference.
Articles, books, and handouts.
Prof.dr. Theo van Achterberg, KU Leuven, Leuven
Prof.dr. Marlies Hulscher, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen
Prof.dr. Gerjo Kok, Maastricht University, Maastricht
PhD student Anders Brantnell, Uppsala University, Uppsala
Calle Martinsson, Course administrator
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, +46(0)18-471 66 84
PhD student Anders Brantnell, Uppsala University, Uppsala