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Towards individualized cancer therapy (U-CAN)
Kursnummer | 44 |
År | 2015 |
Typ | Subjectcourse |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 20 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2015-10-10 |
Språk | En |
Kursansvarig | Marika Nestor, Sara Ahlgren |
Institution | Biomedical Radiation Sciences |
Besöksadress | The Rudbeck Laboratory |
Postadress | 751 85, Uppsala |
Datum | Oct 19th - Oct 23rd 2015 |
Lokal | The Rudbeck Laboratory |
Kurslängd | 1 week, 1.5hp |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
The one week intensive course, "Towards individualized cancer therapy", is given for PhD-students, post-docs, researchers, research group leaders and senior scientists. The content of the course is to a large extent based on the topics of interest for the U-CAN research program. The content is a mixture of the international standing and recent progress in the field. Results from U-CAN studies are presented and discussed.
The following subjects will be adressed:
* Introduction: The need for individualized cancer therapy
* Tumor biological basis for individualized cancer therapy
* Current cancer therapy and therapeutic basis for individualized cancer therapy
* Methodological basis for individualized cancer therapy
* Principles for development and validation of predictive tests
* Principle aspects on implementation of individualized therapy
* Practical aspects on implementation of individualized therapy
The course is international with free access for interested persons. However, researchers involved in the U-CAN project are prioritized. The course is given with the requirement that a sufficient number of participants will attend.
At least 90% attendance is required to pass.
Handouts from lectures and seminars.
Invited experts on specific areas.
Sara Ahlgren
Biomedical Radiation Sciences
Rudbeck Laboratory
Uppsala University
751 85 Uppsala
Marika Nestor
Biomedical Radiation Sciences
Rudbeck Laboratory
Uppsala University
751 85 Uppsala