Odling av celler från människa - metoder och tillämpningar, 1,5 hp
Kursnummer | NN |
År | 2025 |
Typ | Methodcourse |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 12 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2025-05-02 |
Språk | Sven |
Kursansvarig | Patrik Lundquist |
Institution | Institutionen för farmaci |
Besöksadress | BMC, Husargatan 3, byggnad B3:3 |
Postadress | Box 580, 751 23 , Uppsala |
Datum | 2025-05-19 to 2025-05-23 |
Lokal | BMC, B3:3, Inst för farmaci/ZOOM |
Kurslängd | 1 vecka |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
A combined theoretical and practical course in cell culture methods focusing on culture of human primary cells and cell lines.
Knowledge in the theory and practice of cell culture. Knowledge in basic and state-of-the-art methods applied to cell cultures. To have developed skills for bench work with cell cultures on an individual basis
Cell culture reflecting stem, transit amplifying, differentiated and terminally differentiated tissue states; Monolayer and organotypic culture involving one or more cell types. Applicability of cell cultures as alternatives to laboratory animal experiments. Mechanisms regulating cell growth and viability, differentiation and apoptosis. Assessment of cell transformation to immortal and malignant phenotypes. Isolation of specific cells, e.g., epithelial cells, characterisation of cultured cells. Handling and sterile techniques, choice of materials and media for cell culture, e.g., serum-dependent vs. serum-free culture conditions. Cell cloning and gene transfer. Practical handling of cultures: thawing/freezing, passage, expansion and long-term storage. Handling of normal and tumor tissue for optimizing obtainment of cultures. Tissue engineering practices. Transcriptomics, proteomics and informatics methods for biomedical research with cell lines. Discussion of participants own culture experience and problems.
Lectures, laboratory work, IT-use and group discussions on pitfalls and possibilities with cell cultures.
Literature studies and oral presentation of results for the course participants. Based on documented participation in the lectures and labs.
Handouts are provided for all elements of the course.
Roland Grafström
Patrik Lundquist
Mikael Sellin
Pekka Kohonen
Patrik Lundquist
Department of Pharmacy
Husargatan 3 (B3:3)
Box 580
751 23 Uppsala