Research seminars in Reproduction and Development, 3 hp
Kursnummer | RD |
År | 2025 |
Typ | Seminarseries |
Spår | Reproduction and development, |
Max antal deltagare | 125 |
Ingen anmälan behöver göras för seminarieserier | 0000-00-00 |
Språk | Sven |
Kursansvarig | Karin Enskär |
Institution | Department of Women's and Children's Health |
Besöksadress | Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14 B |
Postadress | 752 37 Uppsala |
Datum | Thursdays during the semesters |
Lokal | Lecturehall/zoom schedule is on KBH's homepage ( |
Kurslängd | 1-1,5h |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
Everyone is warmly welcome to the seminars.
The seminars are generally held on Thursdays starting at 12:00 p.m. The invitation is sent via email to all employees at KBH, approximately 1 week before the seminar. The schedule is also available on our website: and is updated regularly.
The seminars will focus on current research related to women's and children's Health. An open question-discussion session in the end of each lecture will be held.
To give PhD students insight into cutting-edge science within the current research conducted at the Department of Women's and Children's Health, nationally and internationally.
The content of the seminars varies depending on which research group is responsible for the seminar that week.
No formal examination. Credits given based on attendance.
PhD students will receive credit for regular participation:
• 20 seminars give 1 credit
• Up to 3 credits can be awarded for participation
• Own presentation at doctoral seminar gives 0.5 credits/occasion
Your attendance will be reported by signing the Seminar Report Card (SRC) available from the course leader.
The seminars is given by and for PhD students, senior PIs, postdocs as well as by invited speakers from Sweden and world-wide.