
Methods for Cell Analysis (MCA Autumn 2025), 3,5 hp

Course number16,2
Max participants9
Application deadline2025-09-02
Course leaderMatyas Molnar
DepartmentDepartment of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology
Visiting addressBioVis Platform at Rudbeck Lab, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20
Post addressRudbeck Laboratory, SE-751 85 Uppsala
Dates1-9 October 2025
LocationBioVis Platform @ Rudbeck, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20
Course length7 days, 09:30 (9:00)-16:30
Course report 
Course plan 



The Course Methods for Cell Analysis Course (MCA) is aimed at the postgraduate student, post-doc and even research engineer who wants to get an overview and in depth knowledge about the recent technologies on the field of Light Microscopy, Electron microscopy and Flow Cytometry. The course is based on a lecture series and practical hands on sessions. Lectures will cover e.g. theory (and practical know-how) about Fluorescence, its application in various light microscopy techniques and Flow Cytometry. Electron microscopy and latest technical achievements like Super Resolution are covered as well. The Practical hands-on sessions part include resources found at BioVis: Laser Scanning microscopy, Flow Cytometry-Cell Sorting and Electron microscopy. For more details and for a preliminary schedule, visit:
Our requirements is attendance of 100% including a presentation at the end of the course. Departments will be charged SEK 2,000 per student who registers for the course but fails to participate.

Points will be granted at 100% attendance including a passed presentation.

The course will be run twice a year, spring and autumn.

Learning outcomes




To pass the course, attendance of 100% including an oral presentation at the end of the course is required.


Course literature is given out by BioVis.

Teaching staff

Matyas Molnar, Dirk Pacholsky, Jeremy Adler, Karin Staxäng, Monika Hodik

More information

Matyas Molnar
Biovis Platform, Uppsala University
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20
Rudbeck Lab
751 85 Uppsala
070-167 93 38

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