Clinical trials epidemiology (Essential clinical epidemiology)
Kursnummer | 23 |
År | 2019 |
Typ | Methodcourse |
Spår | - |
Max antal deltagare | 25 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2019-07-31 |
Språk | En |
Kursansvarig | Liisa Byberg |
Institution | Kirurgiska vetenskaper |
Besöksadress | Epihubben, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B |
Postadress | Epihubben, MTC-huset, 75185 Uppsala |
Datum | 23-27 september 2019 |
Lokal | Rudbecklaboratoriet |
Kurslängd | 5 dagar |
Kursrapport |   |
Kursplan |   |
This 5-day course will give an introduction to the concepts and methods of randomized clinical trials. Based on students’ own ongoing or planned clinical trials, further attention will be given some aspects of randomized clinical trials.
The aim is to provide the student with an understanding of some fundamental elements of clinical trials.
• Randomized clinical trial overview
• Why Observational Study of Interventions is Difficult; Placebo/Nocebo Effects
• Trial Design: Questions, Subjects, Treatments, Endpoints
• Trial Design: Types of Trials
• Trial Conduct: Organization and Follow-up
• Trial Conduct: Randomization options
• Trial Analysis: Analysis Groups, ITT
• Trial Analysis: Adjustments, Subgroups
The course is aimed at PhD students at Uppsala University who have an interest in randomized clinical trials.
If relevant, the student should describe their own ongoing or planned clinical trial in the application. Add this information to the section "Description of project". In the section "Reason for application", please also state if you are willing to have your project used as an example in the course.
The course will qualify for 1.5 higher education credits (högskolepoäng) and a certificate of attendance will be awarded.
In order to meet the course requirements, the student is expected to be present at all scheduled lectures and to actively participate in group discussions.
Dr. Baron will circulate a clinical trials monograph shortly before the course begins, as well as a list of recommended texts and articles.
John A. Baron, MD, MS, MSc, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina, and Professor Emeritus of Medicine and of Epidemiology at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, and Guest Professor at the Department of Surgical Sciences, Orthopedics, Uppsala University. He has long experience in both large-scale clinical trials and advanced epidemiology.
Liisa Byberg,, 070-1679400